Monday, April 4, 2016

Stereo Feed

Originally posted on June 5, 2014:

          Post-grunge, a mid 90's derivative of grunge music, is the genre that was instrumental (pun intended) in popularizing bands like Foo Fighters, Queens of the Stoneage, The Black Keys, and Arctic Monkeys.  It has also allowed these bands to thrive in the changing musical landscape of the 2000's, with its characteristic grunge sound mixed with a pop sense.  Today, many bands try to play into that genre, but often times, their music falls flat in terms of their fan-base due to an imbalance of early grunge style and pop sensibilities.  Stereofeed is not one of those bands.

The Blue Squares

Originally posted on June 2, 2014:

          Much of the music from the 60's has a distinct sound that embodies an important time in the history of rock.  Maybe it's that haunting guitar and vocals that were recorded onto magnetic tape and run through vacuum-tube equipment.  Maybe it's the spirit of the time that was captured by music; the changing society and psychedelic youth movement.  Or, maybe still, it was the relative 'innocence' of rock and roll in that era of experimentation.  Whatever it was,  The Blue Squares have managed to capture not only a similar sonic quality, but the overall feel of good-ol'-fashioned 60's rock.

Soft Shoulder

Originally posted on May 26, 2014:

          The 90's gave birth to an era of indie experimentation; grunge.  This combination of heavy rock riffs and bluesy Black Sabbath-esque rhythms was born out of the commercialization of glam rock in the late 80's and became widely popular in the indie scene, then the mainstream.  A main selling point of grunge in the 90's was the fact that the lyrics were 'real' and reflected the musician's personal lives.  Soft Shoulder would've been right at home in the 90's (though they are certainly welcome now), with their deep lyrics and blues-influenced guitar and bass work.

Sioux Falls

Originally posted May 22, 2014:

          The late 80's into the early 2000's saw a boom in DIY indie rock.  Bands like The Pixies, Modest Mouse, and Wilco were big players in the underground music scene, while some were more successful than others.  Many of the bands in that genre had developed more eclectic styles and created a time of experimentation in music, not dissimilar to the late 60's.  They pushed the boundaries of what popular music could really be and showed that there is always something more that can be done in music.  That's exactly what Sioux Falls is doing with their music.

9 Miles Ahead

Originally posted on May 20, 2014:

          Bands like Breaking Benjamin and Three Days Grace have, in the past, successfully combined elements of metal, alternative, and grunge.  Their music has characteristic heavy riffs and deep bass lines, while also having melodic vocals.  Stemming from the funk metal of the late 80's, alternative metal/post-grunge began to gain mainstream acceptance in the early 90's and was a strong influence on the creators of the popular music festival, Lollapalooza.  It was, in essence, the publicly acceptable form of pure grunge.  9 Miles Ahead embraces the genre and puts their own spin on it.